Friday, March 12, 2010

From one Neo to another

The Jack Neo saga has me pissed off. 

I mean, seriously. Is he on the stand because he's some politician who's promoting family values? Is he some notable figure in a religious organisation who needs to be held to moral standards? Wait, wait, no ...he's some media fella who makes movies. That's it.

Leave him alone. 

In the first place, I'm not even sure how anyone having an affair is anybody else's business. If we had a press conference for every guy who went and did the dirty, I'd say leave your jobs and go into media and events organising. You'd be filthy loaded. (Wait till you add the number of WOMEN who go out and have affairs... ah the halls would be booked for years to come.)

I just can't believe that Singaporeans are so shallow they'd find this worthy of reporting. Really. I can't believe I have to stand alongside my countrymen and proclaim I'm Singaporean when half the time I'm embarrassed by fellow Sgians.

Don't get me wrong. I love my country. I love what the government has done for us. I even like that they've sorted out how much of your CPF you can use for your mortgage leaving behind some dollars every month to accrue interest (Yes my toes are indeed laughing here) and allow you to pay for upgrading work done on your flat. I like that streetlamps work 99% of the time and when you find one that doesn't all you have to do is call Town Council (the streetlamp in question in this story was in my carpark) and it's all fixed by the next day.

What I DON'T love is how some people can be soooo shallow, whiny and altogether too concerned with what goes on in other people's lives. If you want to be concerned, say thank you to the uncle who cleans the tables at the coffeeshop. Don't stand too close to the person in front of you - respect personal space. Try actually engaging your customer when you're ringing up their purchase at the store where you work. Honour your word and make firm plans to meet up with friends instead of living by a see-how-lah, if-I'm-there-I'm-there attitude. 

What happened to us? I'm beginning to think that the specimen previously known as the Decent Human Being is quickly becoming extinct.

I don't mean to say I agree with what Jack Neo did. But the point is, it's NOT up to me to agree or disagree or make any statement about it. It's his life. Let him live it.

SO Jack, from one Neo to another, move on with your life, ignore the press and think happy thoughts! (cue Peter Pan music here.)


  1. Serene, if it was a case of 2 (or more) consenting adults I say, fine, no harm no foul. My very serious objection lies in his soliciting/harrassing underaged gals and coercing others. For that he should be pilloried.

    And while I feel sorry for Mrs Neo, I think her tacit acquiesence amounts to aiding and abetting his misbehaviour.

  2. Sure, I object to the manner in which he was unfaithful to his wife, as I would if it were any other person, friend, public figure or totally anonymous person sharing my oxygen. But I also object to the way the media is lapping it all up. That's my beef.

    As for his wife... enabling. That's what it is. So wrong... so so wrong. But again, who are we to judge?
