Thursday, July 25, 2013

I'm Screaming about Ice Cream

OK so I apologise that it took more than half a year for me to write anything. 

I'm not sure I wanna blog much anymore, but then I wanted to leave this spot for things that I felt I wanted to document but didn't quite belong on FB. (Cos that's where my entire life story is right?)

And yes, I can put stuff in a regular diary / journal, the way most people do, but then where would I put the DEEGEETAL fotos?

Now on to the post! 

Today I tried my hand at making ice cream

It's one of those things that I always thought was REALLY difficult to do. Until a darling friend from school  taught me how to do it. Well, she made some for a party we had recently, it turned out awesome - I couldn't tell it was home made - cos it was THAT professionally done, and then I found out how easy it was to do!

1) Beat 2 x 300ml of Bulla Thickened Cream in a mixer

2) Dissolve 4 tablespoons cocoa powder in a tin of condensed milk

3) When the cream is stiff (and starts to look like little clots - this happens rather suddenly, mind you - add the "chocolate milk" and mix well


4) Pour into an old ice cream tub for that authentic feeling of eating some store-bought ice cream

5) Freeze overnight for best results.

I'll let you know how it turned out after I try some tomorrow :)


  1. Bik any idea how to make sorbet. My mom is a diabetic and cannot handle too much ice cream.

    1. sorry Matt, the problem with sorbet is that i know you need an ice cream maker to make it. (like regular ice cream)

      This is the only recipe i've come across that doesn't require an ice cream maker.

      and besides, the difference is the milk - there is still high sugar content on sorbet. often, more than we think, to temper the usually tart / sour flavours that make up most sorbet (pineapple / grapefruit / lemon / lime / cherry / strawberry).
