Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Facebook for Prayer?

Ok I'm not the most holy-moly person out there - heck I'm not even remotely regular in my church-going. But one thing I DO know is that I pray often. In the midst of my daily activities, when I'm waiting for a bus, when I see someone who could use a little blessing.

And currently I'm praying for my ex-choir member who has troubles with his heart - literally; I'm praying for a friend who met with a bike accident and is in hospital to stabilise a spine fracture; I'm praying for an ex-classmate whom I haven't kept in touch with but is battling cancer and has three primary school-going daughters (who must be distraught during this time that mummy is in the hospice - husband too) and I'm praying for a speedy recovery for another who recently had RF something or other done to the back of his throat.

From time to time I read a post about someone not being well and I offer a prayer. Some of my friends aren't regular meet-up buddies but we keep in touch online and that's how I find out about mutual friends' illnesses / accidents. Some of these friends are ONLY friends with me on FB, some began that way and have become real friends.

Whatever the connection, however, I should say, I'm definitely praying for more people now than ever before. And as a direct result of the beautiful social networking site that is Facebook.

So I say, while we're busy passing along pics and posts, quips and quotes, let's be sure to pass on the prayers too!

Bring Back Chivalry, Please

Some time last week two gentlemen friends took me out to lunch. In itself, nothing to rave about. However, I had such a wonderful time that I realise now it's been forever since I was taken out and pampered and treated like a princess. 

There was a [request to paint my nails, wear my hair in loose curls and put on a dress]. Lunch was at a swanky-type restaurant in MBS and was by no means cheap. 

The food was delicious, conversation, easy. Aside from the restaurant staff's impeccable service, I was also impressed (and surprised) by how giggly I was simply because [an arm or hand appeared] every time I had to navigate a step, threshold or (*shudder*) the terrifying modernity that is the escalator.  And since I had not one but TWO escorts it turns out I often had a [protective, guiding hand on the small of my back] at the same time another was proffered for balance.

Let me also rewind a little bit at this point - the decision to have lunch there wasn't made by me. I was [offered the option] to pick a place but having relinquished that right [the choice was made for me]

Once I knew what I wanted, one of my dates decided that he would [order for us]. And when lunch was over, asked if I wanted dessert. The restaurant didn't have what I wanted so he suggested we move elsewhere for a post-lunch coffee or tea.

Again there was the offer of letting me pick a place... but as I was unfamiliar with the mall's offerings I graciously declined to choose and [allowed the men to decide]. I made my way to a specialty tea shoppe in a manner befitting royalty- squire on either side of me, both always just half a step ahead.  Bodyguard much? I was beaming. It isn't often that this girl gets to feel so safe and esteemed. Considering they are best friends, I had expected them to go off on their own, half forgetting that I was there, deeply engrossed in some inane conversation about soccer, beer or the latest gadget trends. (I'm stereotyping, I know, but hey, all I have to go on is past experience right?)

Once we were seated and menus presented, I left the table to visit the washroom. Upon my return I enquired as to whether the guys had ordered. [No, we were waiting for you], came the reply. I was touched, nay, honoured.

The rest of the afternoon goes on in this fashion. I come away feeling admired, adored, pampered. Precious and Princess-y. And why shouldn't I?

So I say this...bring back Chivalry. Let the men decide. Let them take control.  Let them display their manhood. Let them treat their women like women!

To the feminists (and I'm all for gender equality in the work-place, mind you!) who think I'm taking a step backwards I say this - If you're always complaining that your men aren't stepping up to the plate (and they're weak / soft / indecisive) - why not let them wear the pants which, oh, I KNOW we wear so well, and give them a chance to show us what they're made of?

See the bits in red brackets? Those are the things boys don't do these days. Yes, I said BOYS. Equality is all well and good but here's the thing, women only crave equality so that we can fill in the gaps left by the men who aren't filling them in, and perhaps rightly so. If we need to do the dirty work, why SHOULDN'T we be given recognition for it? What puzzles me, though, is why those gaps exist in the first place!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Mid-Morning Musings

This post isn't supposed to make sense to anyone. Well, perhaps to ONE person. But that's not the point.

It's just that it's 3 in the morning and I'm lying here watching my shows but I'm finding it hard to concentrate on what's going on. My mind keeps drifting off to other stuff. 

Looking back on the people who've drifted in and out; some staying longer than others. Thinking about where I am now - is this where I thought I would be? Speculating and imagining the possible scenarios which might result as a consequence of the decisions I've made up to this very moment. 

I've heard it said a thousand times or more - the world isn't just black and white. There are tons of different shades of gray in between. You know what... it's not enough that we have gray... but all the different shades of gray. Like WOW. Crap. That's a lot of different shades.

At the moment I'm dealing with some new issues that have surfaced, developments if you will. Some physiological, some emotional, some psychological. And decisions have to be made. Choices, contingencies and plans to be thought through. And that's when I notice the grayness - like a rumbling storm cloud making its presence known against a clear, blue sky on a bright, sunny day. 

It used to be that decision-making was something I was good at. I've always been logical and clear-headed. If I seemed to make bad choices or "wrong" decisions at least I know I owned them. Hey, I said I was good at deciding. I never said I was good at making the RIGHT decisions. Those are two different things altogether.

But now I look at the situation in front of me and suddenly clarity eludes me. Gray. It's as if up to now I had been living a life of multiple choice questions. What do you do now - A, B, C or D? and then I go ahead and pick one. 

Now it's an essay question. What do you do now - and give reasons - and evidence - and possible outcomes. Like I said during a conversation with a friend last night, "It's like coming of age all over again." 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Malfunction of a Modern Gadget

The players in this scene - The Bibik, one Ian Tie and a little boy Jim.

It was a hot and humid afternoon in Bedok South but, thankfully, we were safely ensconced in the piano room where the portable a/c was set to 'high'. 

The little boy Jim needed to do a wee-wee and so tried to turn the door knob. Now this is no ordinary knob. Well, it is but there is a slight vacuum effect in said room as the a/c thingamajiggy sucks in air. This makes it difficult for the little 'uns to turn the knob as they don't yet have the strength (or know-how) to accomplish this otherwise simple task. 

So up I got and went to rescue him. I turned the knob and nothing happened. And that was the beginning of the longest hour of my life (or at least the year.. so far).

Basically the deadlatch had broken and so the spindle wasn't connecting to it anymore. (see pic)

Before I go on let me say right here that for these few things I will be forever grateful:

1) that Ian Tie is a scout and welcomed a bit of adventure
2) that CJ was reachable by phone and had had a similar problem at some point in his life before today
3) that I had my iphone-PC charger cable in the room with me (so my fone wouldn't go dead halfway)

The rest of the story is simple - I got CJ on the line, told him what happened and he asked for a pic.  (CJ if you're reading this try not to laugh too loudly at those last few words... I know they got a giggle out of me!)

I was told to wiggle that teensy weensy tiny clip on the left to try and click everything back into place (or else loosen or dislodge everything inside). Problem is that silly thing was stuck FAST!

Some other stuff happened now... we tried to hook the thing with an opened-up paper clip; attempted to pry away the angled bit of the strike plate; at one point I contemplated climbing out the window and back in thru the other bedroom window to try and get it open from the outside. (Which I now realise wouldn't have worked either so thankfully I didn't do that.)

Ian eventually managed to jimmy it loose enough and proceeded to move it to and fro while turning the knob at the same time. I realised that there was no more tension on the springs.

Also, looking between the door and the frame we saw some loose bits sort of just getting jostled about in there. Glad to almost be free Ian and I took turns turning the knob and fiddling around at said bits with the blade tip of a pair of scissors.

Eventually all the pieces came away and we weren't stuck anymore.

Oh. And apparently I cut myself in the process and didn't feel the pain till after dinner when I was doing the dishes. :(

Monday, April 16, 2012

I've Changed My Mind

I woke up today thinking that I'd come in here and copy everything I'd written into a MS Word document then shut down the site.

But here I am. (Hey, I'm a woman... I reserve the right to change my mind on an hourly basis.) I started reading some of my earlier posts and found myself enjoying them immensely.

In a conversation I had recently with an old (and I mean O L D) friend, I found myself saying more than a couple of times that I'm a megalomaniac (I use THIS definition). Add to that the well-known fact that I'm an arrogant cow and egoist, and you can understand why I've decided to keep it going. I would be doing the world a great injustice if I didn't. 

So to absolve myself of any guilt I may have for not writing as regularly as I used to (way, way back when I started) or as much as I think I should be, I'll just say this now - IF and WHEN I do, I'll just share the link on my FB page (because you ALL know that's where I live my life these days) and if any of you feel like you'd like to read something cos it's been a while, PM me or post on my wall

In the meantime, Happy Monday cyber-friends!