Sunday, June 17, 2012

50 Shades of Grey

So apparently there's this book - 50 Shades of Grey. It's fan fiction. A term I only knew in passing till one of my besties (he'll kill me for using this word to describe him I'm sure) explained it to me last night, along with some of the terms / slang associated with it. Like "slash" which I find is kind of a cute way to associate the characters the author might want to throw together in a hot, steamy scene. The word itself brings to mind blades and bloodshed. But I digress.

Anyhow, I was reading some other blogs and sites on totally unrelated topics (not books, not fan fiction, not Twilight *groan*) and I came across a discussion on 50 shades. From what I read, this is the impression I have:

It's taking the world by storm;
Its audience is mainly (house/)wives;
There are explicit BDSM-related sex scenes in it;


Ok sorry, had to put that in.

Since I have a warped brain AND I enjoy books, I've gotten hold of the trilogy (yes there are 3 books!!) and will get to reading it soon.

Let's see if it really is all that it's cracked up to be.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    I'm a journalist working on an article about the frenzy surrounding EL James and her trilogy. Would love if you could spare some time to chat about the books, which I imagine you may have started reading?
    My email address is
    Would be great to hear from you.

    Best wishes,
