I usually try and organise my thoughts. Or at least talk about (or write about) one topic or have a theme or something.
But I've got all these different things swimming around in my head right now, so today's post is going to look like a great big jumble. That's ok though, cos it's ok to be a mess sometimes (or so they tell me).
I had coffee with a friend. He wanted to chat with someone older and wiser about what to do with his career. Well, more specifically, he wanted someone to tell him he's doing the right thing.
That got me thinking about me. I'm always afraid to fail. I'm always taking the safe route. And I hide behind my 2 successes when people accuse me of being unadventurous. "Hey," I say, "if I weren't adventurous would I have dared to venture out on my own and be self-employed? Would I have gone ahead and bought my own flat with ZERO savings?" But really, in the last half a year I've come to realise that while some things were important enough for me to take a leap, most of the time I'm a scare-dy-cat.
A good friend had this to say - if you never try anything that you MIGHT not succeed at, and be open to possible failure, then you'll never stretch yourself. And she's right. So I've decided to go ahead and do something that I've been thinking about for the longest time. And if I don't succeed, well... I'll know that I tried. Then I'll come back home and knock back a few shots. But while I'm willing to give it a go, I'm still keeping mum about what it is. There's no need to announce anything yet right?
Speaking of good friends, I had a dinner party a week ago. While I would like to say it was attended by the usual suspects, oddly enough, it wasn't. NO one there was from the same circle as anyone else. MB's someone I met thru MySO, AS was a student, AL is said good friend from the previous paragraph (also my mentor, insurance life-saver and student's mum!) and SL I met at a retreat almost 2 years ago.
I spent the better half of the day worrying about how everyone was going to get along. It turns out I was fretting for nothing. Dinner started with 3 of us at the table. No. 4 and No. 5 came along at intervals of 15 mins or so. So it was a great way to ease the newcomers into the existing dinner conversation. Of course, being around food always helps defray the tension. My meatloaf was dry and nowhere near tasty enough - but it made for a good scapegoat. If you can't make a delicious meal, at least be willing to talk about how bad your dish is. That way, everyone gets to throw in a comment and there'll be instant camaraderie!
And I was also pleased that we moved the conversation to the living area (a whole 3 feet away from the dining table). This is a big deal for me cos I was beginning to wonder if even HAVING a living area was a good idea. You see, most of the time when I have folks over for dinner, we start with drinks and smokes in the kitchen, then move over to the dining table for food and more drink. And we're usually so comfy there by the time dinner's over that we just kinda stay planted on the dining chairs until it's time for people to drag themselves off home. I have to say, this was the FIRST dinner party that moved itself to the living area and we all sat on the couches and (Ikea's) "poang" chairs and chatted for a good couple of hours. I was pleased :)
On an unrelated note: - Watching Life Unexpected earlier got me thinking about how guys and girls react to finding out their partners cheated on them. One episode had Kate (the mum) trying to come clean with her fiance (Ryan) about an indiscretion involving her baby-daddy (Baze). And O-M-G the reaction she got from Ryan - EXACTLY as it happens in real life. (Seriously, DON'T ask me how I know.) I don't think women react the same way. Do we? That crazy look in the eyes, the flinching away when they try to touch you to let you know they're sorry, the pursed lips which part only wide enough to get the words "DID YOU SLEEP WITH HIM" thru over and over again... Do women do that?
Lemme know what you think. I'm way to tired to carry this on right now. I've had a sudden burst of joy inside remembering that I've got to wake up early tomorrow to spend the day with my family. Whoopee! I'll take pictures and post them on FB.
G'nite babes. I'm off to la-la-land.