Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Vampire Diaries by L J Smith

The pics don't look anything like the cast members of The Vampire Diaries but the little descriptions at the bottom of each drawing give a little description of the characters in the series. I'm eager to go out and get the books now... Oh NO!

Vampire Diaries. Bonnie, one of Elena’s best friends, is wearing a crown of oak leaves. The oak tree was sacred to the Druids, one of Bonnie’s many fads and fancies. This fiery-haired little pixie is no pushover, though. Although Bonnie may get frightened easily, her psychic powers have often saved the day.

Vampire Diaries. Matt is your typical All American gorgeous guy. He’s Elena’s ex-boyfriend, and although he often regrets the “ex,” he is Stefan’s first human friend. Throughout all of the gore and supernatural horrors he’s experienced, Matt remains a firm idealist. Jan Sovak has captured Matt’s inner soul perfectly.

Vampire Diaries. Meredith is one of Elena’s best friends. It takes a lot to get the cool, level-headed girl this upset, but realizing that vampires are, literally, higher than humans on the food chain can do

Vampire Diaries. Stefan comes to the small town of Fell’s church and can’t believe what he finds: a girl, Elena, who looks just like the girl who made him a vampire so many years ago. He falls in love with her at once, but so does his older, more powerful, and more evil older brother, Damon.

Vampire Diaries. Damon is Stefan’s older brother. He has a dark past, and worst of all, he wants to take Elena away from Stefan, by fair means or foul. His soul is encased by the hardest rock, but in times of stress he always comes through for his little brother.

Vampire Diaries. Elena is the ice princess of her high school—all the boys want her; all the girls want to be her. But she thinks of boys as toys and nothing moves her heart until she sees Stefan. Then she swears that he will be hers, even if it kills them both.

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